Sunday, December 5, 2010

Visit El Remate, Peten, Guatemala!:

HOTEL Y RESTAURANT EL MUELLE, les desea feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo, asi mismo hace del conocimiento que estara laborando sin cerrar para navidad y fin de año, en horario regular y el 25 de dic. y 1 de ene. atenderemos 10:00 a.m. a 10:00 p.m. para mas infoprmacion consulte nuestra web www. donde encontrara los servicios de hotel, restaurant, heladeria, tienda de artesanias, y porque no decirlo su caja amiga banrural, todo esto en el mismo lugar a muy buen precio al alcace de su bolsillo

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hotel y Restaurnate Casa Roja

hotel y restaurante casa roja les ofrese habitacines  muy comodas y aun muy buen precio, tambain les ofrecemos comidas tpicas aun buen presio , y alquiler de kayax, esta hubicado enfrente del lago peten itza a  300mts ruta hacia hotel camino real los esperamos. para cual quier informacion cuminicarse a 59096999 y al correo electronico los esperamos.

Sunbreeze Hotel and Transportation

Visit Sunbreeze Hotel on the shores of Beautiful Lake Peten Itza in El Remate, Peten, Guatemala. Humberto and his wife Sayda look forward to hosting you in their hotel. They have 7 double occupancy rooms with rates starting at at $10 (US) per person per night. All rooms have hot water, fans, hammocks for resting, and mosquito netting.

Humberto also can arrange (or provide) transportation to Tikal, Belize City, Flores, or wherever you would like to travel for very reasonable rates.

Please call 7928-8044 or 5898-2665 for more details, or visit their blog at

Bienvenido a nuestro blog del Proyecto Ecologico Artesanal!!

Les damos la mas cordial bienvenida a nuestro Proyecto Ecologico Artesanal aqui en El Remate, Peten, Guatemala.

Nosotros fuimos los primeros conservacionistas...sin saberlo!!!  Hace 22 anos que estamos trabajando con la madera, huesos y piedras.  Fuimos los primeros artesanos en reproducir nuestra herencia Maya, siempre con la vision ecologica y comunitaria. Solo necesitamos un arbol para trabajar todo el ano, trabajando hombres, mujeres y ninos.  Usamos todo el arbol, incluyendo las raices...nada se desperdicia!!  De esta manera ayudamos a conservar y proteger nuestro entorno natural.

Visitenos y conozca nuestros lindos productos.  Estamos en la entrada de la aldea, El Remate, cerca de la casa de informacion de Inguat.  Estamos abiertos todos los dias de 7 a.m hasta 5 p.m.

Los esperamos!!!

Rolando Soto

Unificación Maya 2010

There are lots of interesting events happening in the village of El Remate.  Each year, from December 15th to 21st, the village is host to Unificación Maya ... a celebration of the winter solstice and countdown to 2012.  Everyone is invited to join the group of Mayan Spiritual Guides from all over Guatemala as they facilitate 7 Sacred Mayan Fire Ceremonies over 7 days in 7 Sacred Mayan Sites.

You can stay in any hotel in the village, and as a registered participant of Unificación Maya, you will be picked up each morning at your door and taken to the daily ceremonial site.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn all about the Mayans in both ancient and modern times.  Spend a week immersed in the culture and spirituality of these wonderful people.  Click here to find out all about Unificación Maya 2010 and start planning your trip now!

To see photos and videos of Unificacion Maya from the last 5 years, visit
If you have more questions, contact

Friday, November 19, 2010

SIFE Volunteers in Action

Great thanks go to the SIFE volunteers, who have spent the past few days showing the village how to use an electronic medium to let the world know about the warm hospitality they will find in El Remate, the "bedroom community" of Tikal.  In the photo above are (in front) Gabriela de la Bastide, who has been doing an excellent job of translating for the group, (back left) Cameron Hoopes, Scott Manley, Leslie Frye, Joe Irvin III and Jeffriey Shipley, all from Langdale College of Business of Valdosta State University in Georgia. 

SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) are a non-profit organization educating people on concepts like market economics, entrepreneurship, and business ethics through educational outreach projects.

For the week that they are here, the SIFE group is holding classes and working one-on-one with the business owners of our community to teach us how to use social networking to promote our village and our businesses.  Many small hotel owners now have their own blogs and are also authors on this blog, where we have joined together to showcase the many choices of excellent, safe and comfortable accommodations and restaurants in the village.