Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunbreeze Hotel and Transportation

Visit Sunbreeze Hotel on the shores of Beautiful Lake Peten Itza in El Remate, Peten, Guatemala. Humberto and his wife Sayda look forward to hosting you in their hotel. They have 7 double occupancy rooms with rates starting at at $10 (US) per person per night. All rooms have hot water, fans, hammocks for resting, and mosquito netting.

Humberto also can arrange (or provide) transportation to Tikal, Belize City, Flores, or wherever you would like to travel for very reasonable rates.

Please call 7928-8044 or 5898-2665 for more details, or visit their blog at

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Humberto for a wonderful week. You are very professional and made all of us feel very welcome. I was very glad to see you again this year and I am glad you have your blog up and running. I hope you have much success. I will see you in the future. (Nice new van too!)
